Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Dean Writes - 30 January 2011

Sunday 30 January 2011.
After discussion with the Bishop, it has been announced that the Revd Carol Starkey will take up a new portfolio of responsibilities sometime early in 2011. Mother Carol has already had a concern in her ministry in the area of HIV/Aids, and it has been agreed that this will become a full-time responsibility for her throughout the Diocese of Kimberley and Kuruman. Along with the expansion of this work will also be responsibility for the Kimberley hospitals and the Diocesan Gender Desk. Fr Gawie Bouwer continues to look after the hospital for the next month or so until arrangements are finalised. Mother Carol continues her responsibilities as Chaplain of St Cyprian's Grammar School until Easter.

Mother Carol continues to have a liturgical and preaching base at the Cathedral.

It seems the new year is bringing exciting new developments in priestly ministry for which we give thanks to Almighty God.

Perhaps this is a reminder to all of us, priests and people alike, that we must always be ready to listen to God's guiding voice and take up those challenges and responsibilities that will best further the building up of his Kingdom.

* TO LISTEN TO THE SERMON by the Dean, the Very Revd Fr Simon Aiken, 16 January 2011, go to the BLOG ARCHIVE (to the right of your screen) and click on "Sermon by the Dean..."

Prayers of the Church : 30 January 2011

Loving God, you promised through your Son Christ Jesus to hear us when we pray in his name;

We pray for your Holy Church throughout the world, praying especially for Oswald our Bishop and Thabo our Metropolitan; we pray for all the clergy and people of our Diocese and of our Cathedral and cluster partners at St Alban’s and St Peter’s Greenpoint.             

We pray for John, Bishop of our Link Diocese of Oxford, and all those working for the success of our various partnerships including our ministry in the area of HIV/Aids. 

We pray for Mother Carol as she takes up responsibility for the HIV/Aids ministry and the Gender Desk at diocesan level and for her continuing ministry at the Cathedral.

May we be especially attentive to all those in need,
the poor, the hungry, those who are sorrowful, and the persecuted.

Awaken, enliven and empower your Church for its mission. May our church be provided with everything necessary for its spiritual growth: schools to educate children in your love and service; ministers to do your work in this area; and churches in which to worship and glorify you.

Lord in your mercy … hear our prayer.

We thank you, Creator of all, for the resources of the world.
Stir in us a sense of awe, and of humility at the hugeness of earth and its powerful forces.
Make us also aware of its fragility and finitude.

Everything in heaven and in earth is yours, and all things come from you.

Lord in your mercy … hear our prayer.

God of truth, we pray for the community of nations and for all in authority.  Guide our leaders; and inspire all people with a spirit of compassion to uphold the dignity of each one, especially those peacemakers whom Jesus has called Blessed.

Lord in your mercy … hear our prayer.

God of wisdom, you choose what the world counts as folly and weakness.  Teach us to hear your guiding voice in all our endeavours - to act justly, to love loyalty, and to walk humbly with our God.

We pray for situations of strife – all instances where people differ in opinion.
We are made with two ears and one mouth, it is said,
so that we should listen twice as much as we speak.*
May your people be able, freely, to air their differences,
whether within or between religious communities, or political parties, or any other walk of life,
May we help one another in this way to grow into our best selves,
contributing richly to our common life.

Lord in your mercy… Hear our prayer

At this time, the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, we remember the utter horror of the Holocaust, its cold rationalism and its appalling godless strength.
May we remember its victims and the victims of all genocide, persecution and oppression;
We uphold those who have sacrificed and witnessed to protect or rescue victims.
We are still scarred by certainties and rationalisations that diminish or destroy others’ lives on grounds of race, religious belief, disability or sexuality, and we know that genocide, anti-Semitism, racism, xenophobia and other forms of discrimination continue.
May we condemn the evils of prejudice
and pledge to make sure that the lessons of these events are fully learnt.

Lord in your mercy… Hear our prayer

We pray for our families and friends and those with special claims upon us. Fill our community with joy and fellowship, that we may nurture one another and celebrate our common life.

We pray for our Cathedral family, particularly our youth and for all involved in teaching and all those who learn. We pray especially for those who are preparing for Confirmation.

Almighty and eternal God, increase their faith and understanding and sustain them all as faithful members of your chosen family.

Lord in your mercy … hear our prayer.

God ever-present, Let your healing power be with those for whom we pray, especially those in our prayer list. Shelter and assist those afflicted by flooding and natural disasters in our region and beyond. May we offer shelter and help to all who are in need.

Comfort and restore all who suffer: may they know the power of your healing love and have the joy of receiving your help in their need.

Lord in your mercy … hear our prayer.

God of hope, you turn death into life and bring all your people to your heavenly feast.  We remember before you those who have died.

Rest eternal grant unto them O Lord
And let light perpetual shine upon them

Give comfort to those who are sorrowful and mourn
and bring them consolation and peace in their time of loss.

Lord in your mercy … hear our prayer.

Strengthen our mission, O God, to reveal Christ crucified, your wisdom in folly; your power in weakness.
Fill us with this blessing – that we may hunger and thirst for righteousness.
Revive in us a pure and gentle heart, that we may see our God. Lead us to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with our God.
Through Jesus Christ, our risen Saviour, to whom be glory for ever and ever.  Amen.

* Citing Archbishop Thabo Makgoba, 3 Feb 2010, speaking with the Chief Rabbi of South Africa on The Moral State of the Nation.